Which Test Won? Paragraph vs Bullets

Which test won? This is an A/B test where we looked at a paragraph description and a bullet list description to draw the visitor toward the call to action. The call to action asks the user to fill out a form. Variation B won with a lift of 114%. There is a strong...

Which Test Won? Submit Registration vs Get Started vs Watch Videos

Which test won? In this A/B test, we looked at three different CTA (Call-To-Action) buttons:  Submit Registration in a gray button, Get Started in an orange button, and Watch Videos in an orange button. Variation C won with a lift of 75.1%. Variation B had a lift of...

How to Boost Business Leads and Sales with Lead Magnets

What is a lead magnet? A lead magnet is a conversion rate optimization tactic or hack which provides information usually in the form of a PDF or graphic which is placed on a website in exchange for contact information. The contact information is used as a lead or...

Which Test Won? Dark Blue vs All Blue vs Light Blue

Which test won? This A/B test is a subtle color comparison between dark blue and light blue in a navigation bar. The control is variation A, and A won. Variation B had a 16% drop and variation C had a 6.4% drop in navigation clicks. In this test, the dark blue...

Which Test Won? How To vs Action Words

Which test won? In this A/B test, we compared a list of benefits that started with “how to” with a list that started with action words. Both variations use a check mark to highlight the benefits. Variation B had a 61% lift in conversions. Action words are...