CRO Hacks #41 to #50 conversion rate optimization hacks that will improve your sites conversion rate and provide user insights about your site and busines.
These conversion hacks came from the TLE 2015 Which Test Won conference.
This post is updated every time I have a new conversion lift or learn of a new test to try. You can follow the posts #CROhacks on twitter at @Ometrics, @gregahern or on the Conversion Rate Optimization Network via G-Plus or Linkedin
If you have a conversion hack add it to the comments below or send it to me with your name and twitter handle for credit to [email protected].
CROHack 41 – We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. So be careful not to disturb your test with your own perspective.
CROHack 42 – Research shows incentives does NOT alter survey results but will increase response rates. So reward them with Amazon gift cards
CROHack 43 – A/B testing: Finding a loss is a win, because you avoided pushing live ‘non-improvement’. It is just as important to know what does not work.
CROHack 44 – Optimize conversions by device. Start with removing images on the smaller devices such as cell phones.
CROHack 45 – A test showed more clarity with customer surveys by removing predefined answers and analyze the text response only. – It is better to get a lot of answers and take the time to bucket them than to bucket what you think are the answer and force them onto your users. Often I will do a broad text answer survey then once I have the buckets of answers do another survey with a radio button for each bucket.
CROHack 46 – Small changes often make a big lift. Never overlook a small change like one word or removing one element. And just because they are small does not mean you should test them all at once.
CROHack 47 – Listening to your customer – To many companies get ideas internally which means they are all really coming from the same source. Myself and other consultants will happily give you a list of ideas to test for a surprisingly low cost one time or monthly.
CROHack 48 – What has worked in the past does not necessarily work in the future.
CROHack 49 – Consider external factors in all your testing,
CROHack 50 – A test resulted with credit card Icons converted better on mobile than desktop
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